I love Muslims - which is why I hate mainstream Islam. History has categorically shown us that people are better off when there's separation of Church and State, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and women's equality - all of which mainstream Islam is diametrically opposed to. And criticizing Islam doesn't make me an "islamophobe". It makes me an Infidel. There's a difference. One is a vacuous term used to shut down argument. The other is a badge I wear proudly. Thank you.
Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Labels are NOT arguments
by Coded Logic ini love muslims - which is why i hate mainstream islam.
history has categorically shown us that people are better off when there's separation of church and state, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and women's equality - all of which mainstream islam is diametrically opposed to.
and criticizing islam doesn't make me an "islamophobe".
I COLLECT QUOTES. . . Here are some of my favorites
by Terry inplease post your favorites too.
my favorite quotations:.
you cannot change what you refuse to confront.. sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.. don’t think of cost.
Who is your favorite thinker pt 2.
by The Rebel inonce upon a time i started a thread who is your favorite thinker and got many responses.
however revisiting that thread i noted we were to modest to name ourselves or fellow posters.
i therefore think we are either complete idiots, or modesty aside we should now name names, and restrict our answers to posters on the board.. so who on this board is your favorite thinker and why?.
Coded Logic
Clearly the best thinker on this forum is Perry. His posts are so enlightening they always get the most comments
Alleged JWs Topple Altars in Mexico City
by Funchback inat first i though, "nah...".then, this part of the article spoke the loudest:.
the spokesman for the jehovah's witnesses in mexico did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the incident, which occurred at least a month ago.. read the article for yourself: http://www.thepublicopinion.com/news/associated_press/national/latin-america/ancient-temple-of-mexican-otomi-indians-damaged/article_fb03cbfb-d103-53b3-a6b6-a74959e1fe78.html.
Coded Logic
Really messed up whoever did it. I hope they get caught.
The Worst Way of Living
by Coded Logic inthe unexamined life is not worth living.. -socrates.
holding all of humanity in contempt and degrading every achievement of mankind as being insignificant is not a philosophy or a worldview worth having.
tell me, oh self righteous jw, what was the price of your integrity?
100-million man hours
by Coded Logic inthe james webb telescope is set to launch in october of 2018 and will allow us to study the formation of first generation stars, the molecular clouds that became the first galaxies, and directly image exoplanets.
roughly one hundred times more powerful than the hubble space telescope the jwst is going to push back the current boundaries of science.. this is what 100-million man hours can accomplish.. .
Coded Logic
Agreed IslandMan!
100-million man hours
by Coded Logic inthe james webb telescope is set to launch in october of 2018 and will allow us to study the formation of first generation stars, the molecular clouds that became the first galaxies, and directly image exoplanets.
roughly one hundred times more powerful than the hubble space telescope the jwst is going to push back the current boundaries of science.. this is what 100-million man hours can accomplish.. .
Coded Logic
The James Webb Telescope is set to launch in October of 2018 and will allow us to study the formation of first generation stars, the molecular clouds that became the first galaxies, and directly image exoplanets. Roughly one hundred times more powerful than the Hubble Space Telescope the JWST is going to push back the current boundaries of science.
This is what 100-million man hours can accomplish.
The most complex telescope ever built that will allow us to see things never before witnessed and explore parts of our universe previously hidden from view. It will even be able to look at the atmospheres of distant exoplanets and detect the chemical traces of life - if it's to be found. This is what time well spent looks like.
Conversely, the JWs spent over eighty times that many hours preaching. And what do they have to show for their efforts? Stagnant growth? No widows or orphans that they've taken care of? Even more broken families? Not even one single charity event they can point to?
Which bears better fruit - the assertions of religious dogma - or the disciplined efforts of scientific inquiry?
No! No! No! This can't be true? brexit? No!
by purrpurr init seems britain has voted to leave the eu in a move of total madness!
the markets are already in free fall and the moronic bigots who campaigned for this are celebrating the demise of our country .. i can't see how a 49-51% split can be democratic?
there is still the postal vote to come in, maybe there's hope in that?
Coded Logic
Wow, the UK has lost it's damned mind. And now because of this it will probably lose Scotland too. This is really going to hurt their economy for at least the next decade and seriously weaken their political influence.
After Greece paid such a high price to stay in the EU I'm genuinely shocked the UK would just throw it all away. What's the up side?
Born Twice - Die Once .... Born Once - Die Twice
by Perry injesus taught that we must die unto ourselves, and allow the holy spirit to take up residence within us.
some people get saved by simply inviting jesus into their hearts, to be the lord of their life.
this serves as a countering force within the born-again christian to counterbalance the will of the flesh, which is still unsaved in this life and destined for destruction in imitation of our lord himself.. attempting to live the christian life without having this spirit within you is a waste of time at the minimum, and dangerous on the downside.
Australian Royal Commission
by Coded Logic injust realized next month it'll be one year since the whole thing began.
anybody heard anything new or know what happens next?.
Coded Logic
Just realized next month it'll be one year since the whole thing began. Anybody heard anything new or know what happens next?